Florian Strohmaier
PhD candidate at the Geographic Information Science group, Department of Geography at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
After studying Applied Computer Science in Graz and Lucerne and Geoinformatics in Jena, Florian joined the GISciences group at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena for his PhD thesis. Florian’s research interests are processes acting on hillslopes and natural hazards in high-mountain and periglacial environments. He aims to combine on-site methods with statistical learning in order to integrate physical knowledge and statistical rationale. Recently, Florian’s work focused on spatially-varying digital terrain model uncertainty created from drone imagery of highly complex erosion gullies. In his PhD, he is exploring physically-informed machine learning for landslide susceptibility analyses on a regional scale, where proven physical models are either too simplifying or necessary input data is not readily at hand.
Mail: florian.strohmaier@uni-jena.de
Official Website: https://www.geographie.uni-jena.de/strohmaier