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International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles (IMPRS-gBGC)

In cooperation with Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU), the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) houses a unique and flexible research program that grants German and foreign students a broad selection of learning opportunities while still maintaining a research focus. The International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles (IMPRS-gBGC) offers a PhD program specializing in global biogeochemistry and related Earth system sciences.

The IMPRS-gBGC offers fully-funded PhD positions to outstanding students who wish to study the components essential to life and climate from the atomic to global scales. At the intersections of biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, land, and ocean, research at the school focuses on how biogeochemical cycles function, how they are interconnected, and how they can be influenced by climate change or human activity.

Over 100 scientists and PhDs explore the different facets of biogeochemical processes using diverse methods such as field observations, advanced laboratory methods, manipulative experiments, data mining and numerical modeling. Taking advantage of this diverse assortment of specialties, we hope to improve our ability to gauge future developments of Earth systems.

Doctoral researchers are offered access to an array of workshops and courses in order to develop a broad understanding of Earth system science. Young scientists benefit from a three-month international research visit at a top institution, as well as courses aimed at enhancing interdisciplinary knowledge (e.g. statistics, remote sensing, modeling, and analytical techniques). In addition to scientific skills, the research program offers a breadth of transferable skills (e.g. presentation skills, scientific writing, project management) to ensure both a successful PhD and career. Learn more …

Applying for the ELLIS Society at the ELLIS Unit Jena and the IMPRS-gBGC can open doors to a world of exciting research opportunities, collaboration, skill development, and global exposure. Both offer a platform for you to contribute to groundbreaking research while expanding your horizons as a PhD researcher:

  1. Cutting-Edge Research Opportunities: Being a part of both the ELLIS Society and the IMPRS-gBGC opens doors to engaging in cutting-edge research projects and collaborations. These institutions are known for their commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation.

  2. Interdisciplinary Exposure: Both ELLIS and IMPRS-gBGC foster interdisciplinary environments, allowing you to interact with experts from diverse fields. This exposure can enrich your research perspective and lead to creative problem-solving.

  3. Networking and Collaboration: Membership in these prestigious organizations provides you with access to a global network of researchers, scientists, and professionals. This network can lead to meaningful collaborations, joint projects, and opportunities to exchange ideas.

  4. Skill Enhancement: ELLIS and IMPRS-gBGC offer various training programs, workshops, and seminars that can help you enhance your technical and professional skills. These resources contribute to your growth as a well-rounded researcher.

  5. Resource Availability: Both organizations provide access to state-of-the-art facilities, tools, and resources necessary for conducting high-quality research. This ensures that you have the support you need to excel in your work.

  6. Visibility and Recognition: Being affiliated with ELLIS and IMPRS-gBGC can enhance your visibility within the research community. Their reputations for excellence can lead to increased recognition for your work and contributions.

  7. International Exposure: ELLIS and IMPRS-gBGC have a strong international presence, allowing you to engage with researchers from around the world. This exposure can broaden your horizons and help you stay informed about global advancements in your field.

  8. Mentorship and Guidance: These organizations often provide mentorship programs, offering you valuable guidance from experienced researchers. Mentorship can be instrumental in shaping your research direction and career path.

  9. Impactful Research: Through ELLIS and IMPRS-gBGC, you’ll have the opportunity to work on research that addresses real-world challenges and makes a positive impact on society.

  10. Personal and Professional Growth: Joining these institutions can lead to significant personal and professional growth. The experience, knowledge, and connections gained can contribute to your long-term success in the field of research.

November 21 – January 8: Application period
January 8 – January 23: Selection of top candidates and pre-interviews
March 7-8: Selection symposium 
end of October: Decision
Program start: flexible

ELLIS PhD Program
October 1 – November 15: Application period
November/December: Review phase
January/February: Interviews
Late February/March: Decisions
Program start: There is no common start for the PhD (depends on the advisor/institution)

Enrolled Universities of the IMPRS-gBGC PhD candidates

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