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Dr. Shijie Jiang
ELLIS Unit Jena Research Group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena
Group: Machine Learning for Hydrological and Earth Systems (ML4HES) group

Since August 2023, Shijie leads the Machine Learning for Hydrological and Earth Systems (ML4HES) group, which is funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation and affiliated with the Max Planck Institute for BiogeochemistryHis general research interests focus on understanding the interactions of climate, water, and ecosystems by integrating data and domain knowledge with hybrid and explainable machine learning methods. His current research explores: (1) terrestrial ecohydrological processes and interactions at different scales; (2) integration of physics and data with hybrid and explainable AI; (3) coupling and feedback mechanisms between water, energy, and carbon cycles; (4) predictability, attribution, and impacts of climate extremes; and (5) hydroclimatology, climate change impacts, and human influences. 

Shijie received his Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore in 2021, where his research focused on addressing challenges in monitoring, modeling, and understanding the hydrological system using AI approaches. As a postdoctoral researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, he worked on data-driven process understanding of climate extreme events. Several of his papers have been recognized as highly cited and top downloaded articles by journals. Shijie has been the convener of EGU / AGU sessions related to (explainable) machine learning in Earth Sciences since 2022.

Mail: sjiang@bgc-jena.mpg.de
Publications: Google Scholar
Official Website: https://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/person/129942/2206

Dr. Conrad H. PHILIPP
European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS)
ELLIS Unit Jena | Project Coordinator