The ELLIS Unit Jena supports the overall vision of the ELLIS Society by performing foundational research in modern artificial intelligence by advancing both spatio-temporally inspired fundamental machine learning research and applied machine-learning for complex system (i.e. Earth system) understanding including the important aspect of knowledge integration.
The combination of PIs in the unit, with strong expertise in both machine-learning, causal analysis, hybrid modeling and geo-spatio-temporal analysis including statistical inference, together with a proven collaboration among the core and associated members in publication and co-supervision activities, H2020 collaborative projects, and two ERC Grants, puts us in a great position to fundamentally advance both machine learning and geo-scientific aspects.
The researchers of the ELLIS Unit Jena are well connected to the ELLIS Network via the ELLIS program Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science, the ELLIS related mobility projects ELISE, ELIAS, ELSA and individual collaborations with fellows and scholars.
The core members have published more than 80 publications in collaboration with other ELLIS fellows or scholars.
From the ELLIS Unit Jena we are currently organizing a well-attended and stimulating webinar series, nicely linking Earth science and machine learning interests.
Our unit members are committed to contribute to the ELLIS network in various ways, from reviewing and workshop convening, to public relations, outreach to industry, NGOs and policy makers at national, EU and global levels.
Additionally, given the strong academic and high-tech environment in Jena paired with the ELLIS branding, we will continue and increase the attractiveness of the campus for toptalents from the PhD-, to mid-career-, to faculty-level.