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ELLIS program: Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Sciences

In addition to the ELLIS Units, a European network of top researchers working at locations throughout Europe is being established, organized into 14 ELLIS Programs. These Programs, directed by outstanding European researchers and including leading researchers as Program Fellows, focus on high-impact problem areas that have the potential to move the needle in modern AI.

The ELLIS Programs are inspired by the CIFAR Program model, and closely collaborate with the CIFAR LMB (Learning in Machines and Brains) Program. Each Program has a budget for 2-3 workshops/year to enable meetings of 10-15 Fellows plus guests for intensive scientific exchange. Workshops can be co-located with academic meetings (usually) held in Europe, or organised as stand-alone events, usually at (and with the support of) ELLIS unit sites.

The goals of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Sciences“ are as follow:

  • Spatio-temporal anomaly and extreme events detection, anticipation and attribution
  • Data-driven dynamic modelling and forecasting
  • Hybrid modeling: linking physics and machine learning models
  • Causal inference, Learning and explaining feature representations
  • Earth and Climate model emulation, generative modelling and data-model fusion
  • Benchmark synthetic and real datasets



Prof. Dr. Markus Reichstein
ELLIS unit Jena, Director
Director of the ELLIS fellow program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Director of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena
Professor for Global Geoecology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Phone: +49 3641 57 6200
Mail: reichstein-office@bgc-jena.mpg.de
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Gustau Camps-Valls
ELLIS unit Jena, Associated member
Director of the ELLIS fellow program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Professor in Electrical Engineering at the Universitat de València
Group Leader of the Image and Signal Processing (ISP) group

Phone: +34 963 544 064
Mail: gustau.camps@uv.es
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Fellows & Scholars

Prof. Dr. Joachim Denzler
ELLIS unit Jena, Director
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Professor for Computer Vision in the Institute for Computer Science at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Phone: + 49 3641 30 960163
Mail: joachim.denzler@uni-jena.de
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Jakob Runge
ELLIS unit Jena, Scholar
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Group head at the German Aerospace Center’s Institute of Data Science (DLR) Jena
Guest Professor of Climate Informatics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technische Universitaet Berlin

Phone: +49 3641 30960 100
Mail: jakob.runge@dlr.de
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Veronika Eyring
ELLIS unit Jena, Associated member
Fellow of the ELLIS fellow program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Head of the “Earth System Model Evaluation and Analysis” Department at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Professor of Climate Modelling at the University of Bremen

Phone: +49-421-218-62733
Mail: veronika.eyring@dlr.de
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha
ELLIS unit Jena, Associated member
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Professor for Modelling Approaches in Remote Sensing at the Leipzig University,
Leader of the “Earth System Data Science” group at the Remote Sensing Centre for Earth System Research

Phone: +49 341 97 32801
Mail: miguel.mahecha@uni-leipzig.de
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dino Sejdinovic
ELLIS unit Oxford, Scholar
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Assoc. Professor in Statistics at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Mansfield College

Phone: +44 1865 285386
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Konrad Schindler
ELLIS unit ETH Zurich, Fellow
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Professor for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ETH Zurich

Phone: +41 44 633 30 04
Mail: schindler@ethz.ch
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Sancho Salcedo-Sanz
ELLIS unit Madrid, Fellow
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Professor of Signal Processing, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid

Phone: + 34 91 885 67 31
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Devis Tuia
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Environmental Computational Science, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL, Sion

Phone: +41 21 693 00 11
List of Publications: Publons

Prof. Dr. Xiaoxiang Zhu
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Professor for Data Science in Earth Observation, TUM, Munich

Phone: +49 89 289 22659
Mail: xiaoxiang.zhu[at]tum.de
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Piles
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Senior Researcher in the Image Processing Laboratory, Universitat de València (UV)

Phone: +34 963 54 41 61
Mail: maria.piles@uv.es
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Dr. Jakob Zscheischler
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Group Leader in the Department of Computational Hydrosystems at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig

Mail: jakob.zscheischler@ufz.de
List of Publications: Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Jocelyn Chanussot
Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Chair of Remote Sensing at the Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble 

Mail: jocelyn.chanussot@grenoble-inp.fr
List of Publications: Google Scholar