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Abeera Khan
ELLIS unit Jena, Social Media Manager
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, University of Greifswald

Abeera holds a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from Foundation University Islamabad. She is currently pursuing a Clinical Master’s in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Greifswald.
From 2020 to 2023, Abeera worked as a Senior Content Writer and Junior Medical Copywriter at MedznMore. With over three years of expertise, Abeera is also a skilled Social Media Manager, Content Marketer, and Brand Strategist. Abeera seeks to enhance ELLIS’s social media management initiatives with innovative ideas while maintaining the core strategy and vision, aiming to achieve increased social media outreach over time.

Mail: abeera.khan@stud.uni-greifswald.de