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Prof. Dr. Miguel Mahecha
ELLIS Fellow and Fellow of the ELLIS program „Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Science“
Professor for Modelling Approaches in Remote Sensing at the Leipzig University,
Leader of the “Earth System Data Science” group at the Remote Sensing Centre for Earth System Research

Miguel is Professor of Environmental Data Science and Remote Sensing at the Remote Sensing Centre for Earth System Research. He focuses on the study of ecosystem responses to climate extremes and the human-environment nexus during these extreme events. He is also interested in new methods for biodiversity research. A cornerstone of his work is the use of high-dimensional Earth observations. He is a member of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig and the Centre for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. He is also co-spokesperson of the National Research Data Infrastructure for Earth System Sciences (NFDI4Earth).

Mail: miguel.mahecha@uni-leipzig.de
Publications: Google Scholar
Official Website: https://www.uni-leipzig.de/personenprofil/mitarbeiter/prof-dr-miguel-mahecha