Dr. Basil Kraft
Project group leader and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena
Basil is a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) in Jena, Germany. He is the project group leader of the hybrid and explainable deep learning (HDL) group and a member of the USMILE project on understanding and modeling the Earth system with machine learning. He studied remote sensing and geoinformation science at the University of Zurich and received his PhD in 2022 from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he was a member of the Computer Vision research group at the Chair of Remote Sensing Technology. During his PhD studies at the MPI-BGC and the TUM, he investigated ways to integrate physical knowledge into deep learning-based models.
Basil has broad interests in data-driven modeling of Earth system processes and machine learning. In particular, he is interested in modeling land surface dynamics to better describe, predict, and understand the processes involved. His current work focuses on: 1) Hybrid modeling, the explicit integration of physical knowledge into deep learning-based models 2) Explainable machine learning for scientific understanding 3) Machine learning-based upscaling of local Earth observations to global scales.
Mail: bkraft@bgc-jena.mpg.de
Publications: Google Scholar
Official Website: https://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/person/121520/4680511