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Dr. Ana Bastos
ELLIS Member
Professor for land-atmosphere interactions at Leipzig University

Ana obtained her PhD in Geophysical and Geoinformation Science from the University of Lisbon in 2015 and is since 2024 a Professor for land-atmosphere interactions at Leipzig University. In her career, she has conducted research and teaching in Portugal, the USA (Fulbright fellowship), France (LSCE), and Germany (LMU, MPI-BGC). In 2022, she received the Early Career Scientist Award by the Biogeosciences Division of the European Geosciences Union and was granted an ERC Starting Grant to advance understanding about forest vulnerability to compound extremes under climate change. Beyond Earth System Science research and teaching, Ana is engaged in promoting diversity and inclusion and supporting work/private life balance and mental health in academia.

Mail: ana.bastos@uni-leipzig.de
Publications: Google Scholar
Official Website: https://www.uni-leipzig.de/en/profile/mitarbeiter/dr-ana-bastos