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Prof. Dr. Alexander Brenning
ELLIS Member
Professor of Geographic Information Science in the Department of Geography at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

As a professor of geographic information science, Alexander Brenning’s research focusses on modelling Earth surface processes using machine-learning and geostatistical tools as well as process-based models. Applicaation domains include but are not limited to landslides, mountainn permafrost, and environmental remote sensing, and current methoodological interests include model interpretation, hybrid modeling, and the quantification of model undertainties.

He joined Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany in 2015 as a full professor and served as dean (2017-2020) after holding a faculty position at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada since 2007. Alex holds a Ph.D. in Geography from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and graduated in Applied Mathematics at Technical Universsity of Freiberg, Germany. He has visited the University of Heiidelberg, Germany as a Humboldt Research Fellow and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile as a Distinguishd Visiting Proffessor.

Mail: alexander.brenning@uni-jena.de
Publications: Google Scholar
Official Website: https://www.geographie.uni-jena.de/en/Brenning